Preparing Your College Student for Financial Independence
Making the transition from high-schooler to college student involves dipping their toes in the real world and making important financial decisions. The first piece of this is paying for tuition – whether or not the parents pay, there are scholarships involved, or that student loans are leveraged (55% of students took out loans in 2020).…
Read MoreHow Women Can Overcome Obstacles to Retirement
Women face unique challenges when it comes to employment, income, and caregiving. As a result, they often must take a different approach when it comes to preparing for retirement. Here’s a look at some of the retirement hurdles women face and how to address them. One hurdle that women face is that they still, unfortunately,…
Read MoreHow to Weather a Market Downturn
Long-term investors will experience a number of market downturns over the course of their lives, which can be triggered by everything from natural disasters to political turmoil. So, if you’re investing for retirement or another long-term financial goal, you need to know how to weather a market correction without being thrown off track. Assess what…
Read MoreWhy Investors Should Avoid Overconcentration
A concentrated position in a single stock can happen to investors for many reasons. They may receive company stock as part of their employee compensation package or they may have bought shares of a single company, hoping to choose a big winner. However, it’s unlikely that a single stock will outperform the market as a…
Read MoreLessons from the FIRE Movement
FIRE, which means Financial Independence / Retire Early, is an investment practice and lifestyle that focuses on saving aggressively and spending frugally. While the movement has been around since the 90’s, it has gained more exposure recently as the financial fallout from COVID-19 has more people considering what financial independence and freedom mean. FIRE adherents…
Read MoreSFG News
Local Financial Advisor Completes Advanced Training from America’s IRA Experts at Ed Slott and Company, LLC Members of Ed Slott’s Master Elite IRA Advisor GroupSM Attend Semiannual Workshop on the Latest Retirement Account Planning Strategies, Estate Planning Techniques and Tax Laws Phoenix, AZ – May 31, 2022 – Calvin Goetz, Founder & President of Strategy…
Read MoreNegotiating Workplace Benefits
It’s a job seeker’s market. The Great Resignation, which began in April 2021, has seen many leave their jobs by the millions, often in search of greener pastures. It has also produced a labor crunch, often leaving employers desperate to fill positions across industries. If you’re competent, reliable, and easy to work with, then you’re…
Read MoreKeeping Your Financial Accounts Cyber-Secure
Cybercrime is on the rise everywhere. In fact, global losses due to cybercrime climbed from $600 billion in 2018 to $1 trillion in 2020. That’s enough to make anyone concerned about the security of their financial accounts. But you don’t have to feel helpless against the threat of hackers. These steps can help limit your…
Read MoreConsidering Restricted Stock Units As A Business Owner
Looking to create loyalty and tenure with your employees? What about giving employees the benefit of owning company shares? In this video, we dive into what you should know about restricted stock units and the benefits they offer your business. What is a Restricted Stock Unit or RSU? RSU’s are equity compensation issued by an…
Read MoreNew Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Tables (Video)
The IRS has put new life expectancy tables in place for calculating Required Minimum Distributions, or RMDs, from retirement accounts. The new tables are good news for account holders because they will mean slightly smaller RMDs on account of longer life expectancies. In this video, our Founder and President, Calvin Goetz, discusses who these changes…
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