Do You Need a Family Financial Summit?

A Family Financial Summit might be a new concept for many of you, so let’s start by defining it before delving into whether or not you need it. Essentially, it’s a family meeting that allows for the sharing of financial values and goals.  It can be helpful in aligning expectations about inheritance, responsibilities, and the…

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The Value of Financial Advice

There’s growing evidence of the value that financial advisors bring to the table, beyond investment management. This concept, often referred to as “Advisor Alpha,” has been championed by Vanguard and does a great job illustrating the many hats a financial advisor wears.  Our goal for you, whether you’re our client or not, is to get…

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How a Financial Advisor Can Help Lower Your Tax Bill

Tax planning is a vital part of any wealth management strategy, but reducing your tax burden isn’t always a straightforward process, especially for individuals with more complicated returns. Careful planning can help minimize your tax liability leaving you with more money to further your financial goals.  Tax planning isn’t just something you think about when…

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Unlock the Power of Our Professional Network

Tapping into the rich network of professionals we associate with has many benefits. Having worked with a wide variety of families with a wide variety of needs, our networks often include everything from accountants and attorneys to high-end tailors and travel agents. The importance of this can’t be overstated. Leveraging our network can help with: …

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Retirees, What’s Your Withdrawal Strategy?

When planning for retirement, we often focus on the accumulation phase: saving diligently and investing wisely. We spend 40 or more years of our lives focused on building the proverbial “nest egg,” but after retirement, things change and so should our financial focus.  There are a variety of questions that must be answered. How much…

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Protect Your Children from Their Inheritance

Wealthy families often find themselves grappling with how to effectively pass along assets to their children while ensuring those children are ready for the responsibility. As we tread towards the largest generational wealth transfer in history, there is a growing need to ensure those inheriting the assets are adequately prepared to handle them.  There are…

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3 Major Financial Challenges of High-Net-Worth Individuals

High-net-worth individuals face unique financial challenges. Here are the three of the biggest we typically encounter. Wealth Transition You want to pass on your wealth to the people and causes of your choosing, not to the government. This requires ample preplanning with your advisors, attorneys, and insurance providers. Tax Complexities Reducing your tax bill during…

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Smart Ways to Save for Your Child’s Education

If you’re a parent, the start of a new school year may have you considering how much you’re able to set aside for your child’s college fund. The national average for annual college tuition for 2022-2023 is over $39,000 for private school and over $10,000 for public, in-state tuition¹. And, that does not include living…

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SFG News

Local Financial Advisor Completes Advanced Training from America’s IRA Experts at Ed Slott and Company, LLC Members of Ed Slott’s Master Elite IRA Advisor GroupSM Attend Semiannual Workshop on the Latest Retirement Account Planning Strategies, Estate Planning Techniques and Tax Laws Phoenix, AZ – May 31, 2022 – Calvin Goetz, Founder & President of Strategy…

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Tax Planning Strategies to Consider Before 2022

As the year end approaches, we wanted to share with you important tax strategies to consider, which may help you save on your taxes–now and in the future. Watch this video for a quick summary of the year-end tax tips. Here are the year-end tax planning tips to consider: 1. Potential benefits of converting to…

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