Life Insurance As An Asset Class

When asked to list out the different assets that they own, people typically respond with real estate, vehicles, retirement accounts, bank accounts, and other investments. And sometimes they forget to list life insurance policies. Life insurance, as an asset class, can come in very handy, especially for higher-income earners. It’s one of the only places…

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What Is Inflation—And Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

Climbing commodity prices, ambitious government spending packages due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic crash have resurrected a long-dormant fear: runaway inflation. But what is inflation, and is it something to worry about? A lot of the thinking surrounding inflation has changed over the years, and economists disagree on what causes it and…

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Market Commentary Q2 2021

Our latest quarterly market commentary provides an overview and analysis of market performance during the second quarter of 2021. Click below to watch a quick summary of our Q2 2021 commentary.  Click here to download our Quarterly Commentary Q2 2021. If you have questions and would like to schedule a call with one of our advisors, click…

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Breaking Down IRAs

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are a type of tax-advantaged account that can help you boost your retirement savings. The most common IRAs you’ll choose from are traditional and Roth IRAs. Both are designed for long-term growth, but there are some key differences, including how your contributions are taxed and when you can withdraw funds. Here…

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How to Take Roth IRA Withdrawals

We are often asked about Roth IRAs, taxes, and inheritance. We want to share an article from a mentor and coach*, Ed Slott. In this article, he’s answering a question specifically about leaving a Roth IRA from a grandparent to a grandchild. How long will they have to take the money out? And will the…

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Short-Term Investing

When you think about short-term investing what comes to mind? We talk about long-term investing strategies regularly, but in this video we walk you through short-term investing. A short-term investment typically seeks to protect capital while generating returns. For many people there are various short-terms inside of a larger long-term. Your financial life is not…

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SECURE Act 2.0: What Changes Can We Expect?

There is another bill making the rounds in Congress called the Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021. It has been nicknamed the SECURE Act 2.0. What changes could we see if this second act passes? IRA owners will be able to wait until the age of 75 to begin taking their Required Minimum Distributions…

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Automated Investing vs. Human Guidance

When you’re looking for help managing your investment portfolio, you have a decision to make: Should you work with a financial advisor or a robo-advisor? A financial advisor is a professional specializing in financial planning, wealth management and other personal finance services. On the other hand, a robo-advisor is a digital platform that uses algorithms…

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Financial Conversation Tips for Couples

Communication about money is often fraught for couples, and bringing the topic up with your partner can be challenging. But discussing financial concerns, goals and habits is key to a strong relationship. And open communication about these topics can help you and your partner work as a team toward common financial goals. How to talk…

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Breaking Down Socially Responsible Investing

Many investors want more out of their investments than just a good return. They want to know that the companies they invest in are ethical and responsible — that they build environmentally sustainable business models, advance a social good and operate in a transparent, ethical way. To identify these companies, socially responsible investors can use…

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