3 Small Moves that Make a Big Difference in Retirement

Saving for retirement doesn’t happen overnight. It’s an ongoing process that requires monitoring and tweaking your plan over many years to help ensure you have enough to meet your retirement goals. Sometimes relatively small adjustments to your plan can make a huge impact on your ability to save, such as choosing to invest in low-cost…

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How Does the New RMD Rule Affect Retirees?

There’s good news for your retirement plan! Starting this year, the age at which you must start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your tax-deferred retirement accounts has increased from 72 to 73 years old. In 2033, it will increase again to age 75. This new rule was passed into law by Congress at the…

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4 Questions to Help With Transitioning to Retirement

For the most part, we all share the same common fears while on our walk to retirement: Will I be okay? Will I have enough money? How will I fill my time? While there’s no crystal ball to answer these questions, we can find comfort in knowing that all transitions in life can be more…

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Investing During a Bear Market

Lately, financial pundits seem to be constantly warning that a bear market is coming, arguing over whether one has begun or predicting when one will end. It’s less common for them to actually define one. From their ominous tone, you can tell it’s less appealing than its counterpart, a bull market. But what is it…

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Protecting Against Inflation

It’s been a long time since investors have had to worry about inflation. Now it’s been in the headlines, because prices have been rising faster than expected. Let’s talk about what that means and what you can do to protect your portfolio.  Before you start to worry about how inflation might affect your investments, let’s take…

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Understanding Student Loan Forgiveness

The forgiveness or restructuring of debt is one of the oldest governance mechanisms in the finance sector. From Israel’s years of Jubilee abolishing debts to George Washington’s Debtor’s Prison Relief Act of 1792 restructuring the American debt system and the more modern GI Bill, this mechanism has a long, but infrequent tradition. Now, the current…

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Smart Ways to Save for Your Child’s Education

If you’re a parent, the start of a new school year may have you considering how much you’re able to set aside for your child’s college fund. The national average for annual college tuition for 2022-2023 is over $39,000 for private school and over $10,000 for public, in-state tuition¹. And, that does not include living…

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An Introduction to Bond Ladders

Bonds play an important role in a diverse investment portfolio. As fixed-income securities, they can provide a stable return until they mature. As with any investment, bonds are subject to a certain amount of risk. Interest rate risk, for one, is the possibility that interest rates will rise after an investor buys bonds, causing them…

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It’s Time to Have “The Estate Plan” Talk

Talking with loved ones about estate planning and inheritance can be challenging, especially as it centers around two difficult topics — money and death. But talking with your adult children about their inheritance can provide significant advantages for you and them. It can help your heirs better prepare for the future and give you a…

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The Sequence of Returns Risk in Retirement

Markets go up and down in ways that are not entirely predictable. For long-term investors, what the market is doing in the present isn’t that troubling; they’ve got a long time to ride out potential downturns. But for recent retirees, an ill-timed market downturn can have a negative impact on their nest egg, increasing the…

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