Money Conversations are Hard

Do you find it difficult to talk about money with your partner? Join the club. Money is a leading cause of stress in relationships. When it comes to money, communication is key. Constructive money conversations create transparency, establish shared goals, and provide meaningful insights into each other’s perspectives. So, how do you open up the…

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Have You Reviewed Your Insurance Policies Lately?

For high-net-worth individuals, having insurance is not only a matter of protecting assets but also ensuring peace of mind. Without insurance, you’re one accident or lawsuit away from draining your savings and jeopardizing your financial security. So, it is critical to have a comprehensive insurance plan that covers all potential risks. Let’s do a quick…

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Riches to Rags: Poor Money Choices of 5 Celebs

An increase in assets doesn’t come with an increase in financial acumen. Financial Literacy Month is a great time for us all to expand our knowledge. It’s also a great time to raise awareness of the many scams, frauds, or predatory lending practices that affect too many families every year. Sometimes we analyze “best practices”…

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Gratitude’s Impact on Your Money Mindset

When we hear the term “gratitude,” most of us think of living a happier and more fulfilling life. We think of slowing down, being mindful, and cherishing the small moments, like savoring a cup of coffee or reconnecting with an old friend. But how does gratitude shape our perspective on money? Could practicing gratitude be…

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Finding the Ideal Place to Live in Retirement

Planning for retirement is rife with big questions — not just how you want to spend your golden years, but where? For some, retirement offers the opportunity to spend more time with family; for others, it’s the chance to venture into a different climate. For the most part, seniors are planning to spend their retirement…

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What You Should Know About Advisor Fees

Financial advisors and planners help you manage your investments and work toward your financial goals, such as estate and retirement planning. In return for their expertise and guidance, some advisors will charge a flat fee, while others work on commission. Some may even do both. But how are those fees determined and who pays for…

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4 Simple Tips for Organizing Your Finances

Disorganized finances can make it difficult to plan and set your goals. Following a pattern of established management guidelines can help you stay on top of your financial situation throughout the year. Whether you need to overhaul your budget, assess your credit standing, or get a better handle on your investments, here are 4 daily…

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Instilling Financial Values in Your Family

Over the next two decades, more than 84 trillion dollars will change hands in what has become known as the “great wealth transfer.” More than $72 trillion of that will pass from older generations to their heirs, while nearly $12 trillion will be donated to charities.[1] This shift in multigenerational wealth represents a huge opportunity…

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Active vs. Passive Investing: Which Is Best?

Investors and advisors alike have long debated the merits of active versus passive investing. As the markets have taken a downward turn over the last year in response to rising interest rates, this age-old question has emerged again. Passive investing seeks to generate average market returns and involves hanging on to investments over a long…

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